Summer Rock Tour 2021

Arkansas Photos & Videos

(This one is now done - all pics & vids have been uploaded) 😊


VIDEO TIP (Faster Playback)

If you click the little "gear" ⚙️ icon at the bottom right of the video, it will allow you to speed up the playback so it will play through the video faster.

Where's The Mine?

Avant Mine Mid-Day Check In

Avant - Enjoying Some Shade

Avant Mine Wrap Up

Avant Clean Up & RV Resort

Jacki’s Avatar Mine Goodies

Ron Coleman Mine Trip

Lake Hamilton Moving Day

Arriving at Crater of Diamonds

Driving Over To The Crater

Heading Into The Crater of Diamonds - Day 1

Show Me The Diamonds!

Checking In From The Diamond Field

Taking A Break From All The Diamonds

Day 1 Diamond Search Wrap Up

Back For MORE DIAMONDS - Day 2

Happy July 4th From The Diamond Fields

Wrapping Up A Big 2nd Day Of Diamond Hunting

The Final Search For Diamonds!


Our Lake Hamilton RV Park (good enough!)

Welcome To The Crater Of Diamonds!

How Many Diamonds Were Found??