Summer Rock Tour 2021

Latest Site Updates:

Just wanted to make an easy way for you to see when the last bunch of pics and videos were updated. So you can quickly know if you're up to date on the latest adventures or missing out on the good stuff!

8/14/21 - finally back HOME!

8/9/21 - Fort Worth Page now done. Started on Trip Home page.

8/6/21 - Fredericksburg TX page added. Forth Worth, TX page started (bot not finished yet).

8/2/21 - Carlsbad, NM Page added.

7/30/21 - BIG UPDATE! (Sorry! With 4 back-to-back stops of only 1 full day each, we've had a very busy week here! Not much time left over to get these updates added. More coming soon! We're leaving Carlsbad, NM tomorrow & heading for Fredericksburg, TX!)

Deming, NM Page added.

Socorro, NM Page added.

Roswell, NM Page added.

7/23/21 - Safford, AZ page now done!

7/21/21 - BIG UPDATE! We're currently in Safford, AZ searching for fire agate! (for 2 more days) Finally made it to an RV park with decent wifi service! This update needed a lot of bandwidth! We've finished the Albuquerque Page. And we've also finished the Holbrook, AZ page! (Petrified Forest).

7/17/21 - Found & added some new videos to Amarillo Page

7/15/21 - Oklahoma now done. Amarillo pics & vids uploaded & done

7/12/21 - added Alabaster Caverns pics to the Oklahoma Page

7/11/21 - added "A Day In The Life" video to Oklahoma Page

7/9/21 - Oklahoma page added - finished Noble pics (not many) & started pics & vids for Great Salt Plains

7/6/21 - Arkansas page now done. (We've moved on to Oklahoma!)

7/2/21 - Missouri page now done.

6/30/21 - Pre-Trip & Memphis pages now done.

Where We're Headed...