Summer Rock Tour 2021

Oklahoma Photos & Videos

(This one is now done - all pics & vids have been uploaded) 😊

Trip Notes:

Noble, OK was pretty much some "down time" for us. We were here for 3 days but there was not a lot of "mining" or rock hunting to be done here. We did find some cool barite "rose rocks" along the shore of a couple of nearby lakes. That's about all we were here for. So there are not many pics or vids from these few days in Noble.


VIDEO TIP (Faster Playback)

If you click the little "gear" ⚙️ icon at the bottom right of the video, it will allow you to speed up the playback so it will play through the video faster.

Noble, OK RV Park

Arriving at the Great Salt Plains State Park

Where to Dig?

What did we find?

A Day In The Life…

Want to see what a full day of mining looks like for us?


Noble, OK RV Spot

A cool barite rose rock (they grow this way here). We got a bunch of these.

Another barite rock that didn't quite make it into a rose form

Some cool petrified wood!

Great Salt Plains State Park

unique "hour glass" selenite crystals that only grow here in the salt plains

unique "hour glass" selenite crystals that only grow here in the salt plains

Gloss Mountains (Just passing through)

Alabaster Caverns