Summer Rock Tour 2021

Socorro, NM Photos & Videos

(Desert Rose Mine, Kelly Mine, & Blanchard Rock Shop)

(This one is now done - all pics & vids have been uploaded) 😊

Trip Notes:

In Socorro, we stayed at a rodeo & horse park. Had the place mostly to ourselves. Pretty good wifi though! (That's a major criteria for us with my work!)

Again, this was basically just a day and a half. I worked the whole time, but Jacki was able to get out and go to come cool places!


VIDEO TIP (Faster Playback)

If you click the little "gear" ⚙️ icon at the bottom right of the video, it will allow you to speed up the playback so it will play through the video faster.

Here's a cool view of our little rodeo horse park!




The rodeo arena on the other side of our RV.

An old mine on the hill

watch out for cowboys?

more old mines

old mines are everywhere!