Summer Rock Tour 2021

Memphis Photos & Videos

(This one is now done - all pics & vids have been uploaded) 😊


Note: SORRY!

We didn't realize until after the first day into the trip that the microphone on our little portable camera had gone out. So the audio in these first videos is pretty crappy. I promise it gets much better after the first day in Memphis! (Had to get a replacement camera ☹️ )

VIDEO TIP (Faster Playback)

If you click the little "gear" ⚙️ icon at the bottom right of the video, it will allow you to speed up the playback so it will play through the video faster.

World's Largest Bass Pro Shop?

Bass Pro Shop Thoughts

What's A Crystal Grotto?

Inside The Crystal Grotto

Elvis Wasn’t Here

Memphis - Moving Day


Crystal Grotto


Ernestine & Hazel's Haunted Restaurant

Lorraine Motel (MLK)