Summer Rock Tour 2021

Roswell, NM Photos & Videos

(International UFO Museum!! & Finding Pecos Diamonds)

(This one is now done - all pics & vids have been uploaded) 😊

Trip Notes:

Again, this was basically just a day and a half stop for us (2 nights, including the drive to here and back out again). But I couldn't possibly miss the chance to see downtown Roswell and the International UFO Museum! (They ARE real!!) 👽

And we even found a big bag full of DIAMONDS here!! 💎💎💎


VIDEO TIP (Faster Playback)

If you click the little "gear" ⚙️ icon at the bottom right of the video, it will allow you to speed up the playback so it will play through the video faster.

Here's a cool view of our little RV park!

How To Find Pecos Diamonds (Lots of them!)

Just Checking In From The Roswell Desert!


Not really much to see here at the RV Park

The UFO Museum!!

Every shop & store front in town had something related to space or aliens!

But we eventually made our way out into the desert outside of town to find some diamonds! (Pecos diamonds)

Veins of selenite quartz just running through the ground here everywhere!

We ended up with a nice big bag full of the small "Pecos Diamonds"! (which are just a specialized tiny quartz crystal that you can only find in this area along the Pecos River.

Here are the "almost" rare Pecos Diamonds up close!